You’ll be given a file stating what they want and it’s up to you to best choose what implant would fulfill their request. Their role is to make cybernetic implants to meet clients wants and needs. The story is split into three different parts, starting with Akana. Donovan is the bartender of The Red Strings Club as well as an information broker, and his partner Brandeis, a cyberhacker, come across the information through Akara, a super-empathic sentient android. Death is inevitable, but how did it come to this? Cut to a few days earlier as the race to stop the SPW program from going online begins. The game starts with Brandeis falling from a skyscraper on a rainy night.

It’s to be implemented in secret and without consent, and due to an extra feature it will even carry over to people without any implants. Depression and anxiety could be dulled or even halted, and more positive or ‘productive’ feelings pushed, or as it’s put in the game ‘brainwashing’ and mind control. It’s called Social Psyche Welfare, and it will allow human emotions to be controlled to a degree through the implants. Mega-Corporations rule the world and a revolutionary group have found that one in particular, Supercontinent Ltd intend to unleash a program on the entire city.

People can augment themselves to be more charismatic, persuasive, or block out negative influences. In this Cyberpunk world, body modification and cybernetic implants are commonplace.
The red strings club game reviews free#
With some future-pottery, bartending and a bit of cyber hacking, you’ll get to the bottom of a conspiracy that threatens everyone’s free will. Time to join the cyber-revolution and sabotage an ominous Mega corporation before they rule our minds.